Core Beliefs



The Bible is a timeless document, entirely inspired by God in idea and word. The original writers of all scriptures contained within were moved by God to write what He wanted them to say. The scriptures are God’s revelation of himself to mankind, they are infallible (never wrong), and they are divinely authoritative in all spiritual matters, our faith, our belief, and our manner of living. The Bible is therefore the supreme authority in all matters of Christian belief and behavior.


There is one true God. He is, has always been, and forever will be. He is the creator of the heavens and the earth and the One who redeems, saves, or rescues mankind from sin and its consequences. He exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - a blessed trinity, a three in One multi-faceted nature through which God works to fulfill His divine will. God is Love.


Mankind was created by God in His image, innocent, good, and upright. However, mankind by willful choice ignored God’s instruction and chose to engage in what they knew was wrong and evil. As a result, mankind fell from innocence, goodness, and righteousness and thereby incurred physical death - a limited lifespan, and spiritual death - separation from God.


The Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, fully God and fully man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born of a virgin. While on earth, He endured temptation and lived a perfect, sinless life. He understands us because he was one of us.

Jesus came to earth to heal the brokenhearted and to bring life to all mankind. He was obedient to His Father, God, till death on the cross. He died on the cross as a substitute for the sins of every person. He was raised from the dead by the supernatural power of God, exalted by God, and is seated at the right hand of God where He reigns over all creation.

Jesus will return to earth one day to set up His kingdom on earth destroying evil forever. All those who have trusted in Him will live with Him forever.


Salvation is deliverance from spiritual death and enslavement by sin. God provides salvation for all who believe and accept His free offer of forgiveness. Mankind’s only hope of redemption from the fallen sinful state is through the blood of Jesus Christ, which He shed as He died on the cross. Through His shed blood the debt for the sin was paid once and for all. Through His resurrection, supernatural restoration to life, Jesus overcame death proving that He was the Son of God.

Salvation occurs when a person (1) believes or has faith in the fact that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ removes and brings forgiveness for sin, (2) confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord, and (3) that person accepts God’s free offer of forgiveness and repents before God for his or her sins. As a result, the person experiences a spiritual rebirth and sin is washed away, the Holy Spirit begins renewal work, and the person is made right with God.

At the moment of salvation, a person becomes heir to God’s promised hope of eternal and everlasting life. The person’s relationship with God is restored, he or she is a new person in Christ and is no longer separated from God.


Christian discipleship develops through the continued work of the Holy Spirit from the time of salvation throughout our lives. It is a process that takes place as Christians devote themselves to God increasingly becoming Christ-like in character and behavior. Discipleship enables the believer to serve God and witness for Him, thereby expanding the church and His kingdom.


“The Church” as described in the Bible consists of all people who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ as the only remedy for their sins. “The Church” includes all Christians and has no boundaries as to age, race, gender, or denomination. It is the body of Christ, the dwelling place of God through the Holy Spirit. Christ is the head of “the Church” , and each Christian is an integral part of “the Church“.

The mission of “The Church” is to be an agency of God for evangelizing the world by spreading the gospel of Christ, and to be a unified body in which all mankind may worship God.


To live according to the Holy Spirit and not by flesh is a decision we all make. As Christians we decide whether or not to surrender our bodies as vessels for the work and purposes of the Holy Spirit. It is a daily choice, a discipline, but one that offers great joy and eternal rewards.

The power of the Holy Spirit is clearly available for all believers, and Jesus set the pattern for believers, for he was led by the Spirit and ministered in the power of the Spirit. He wanted His followers to minister in the same way for He promised they would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on them.

The power of the Holy Spirit manifests itself through the gifts of the Spirit and through the fruit of the spirit. Gifts give power to do Gods’ work for the purpose of edifying the church by providing supernatural insight into some particular need or problem, and by bringing practical application of God‘s word. The fruit of the Spirit gives power to become mature and effective workers for the Lord.

We seek to encourage believers to desire spiritual gifts cooperating with the Holy Spirit in the use of their gifts, and to allow the outworking - the fruit - of their faith and maturity in Christ to be manifested in all areas of their lives.